歪歪猪作坊 编程是一门手艺



Girl pees on iPod nano, thinking it’s a pregnancy test

After a night of partying a group of people decided to continue drinking at their house. A girl who believed that she was pregnant (she had vomited in the morning) entered the toilet and discovered a white strip which she thought to be a pregnancy test. She peed on it and came out to show it to the others to figure out the result. It turned out that it was in fact an iPod nano left there by someone who had been listening to music while , not a pregnancy test. So what happened to the iPod? It stopped working. The owner tried to send it in for warranty repairs, only to be informed that “the warranty does not cover pee-related damage”.


I have to admit there is a similarity. Perhaps this could be a feature for the next iPod? This happened in Finland and was described to me on an IRC channel by a friend of the iPod owner. Apparently the girl was quite wasted. I don’t know if she turned out to be pregnant or not.

Update: she turned out not to be pregnant (apparently indicated by something other than the nano).

