1 背景: 阴云密布
2008年的台海局势扑朔迷离, 阴云密布
2 主画面: 4个成年人在开赌局, 是麻将, 1个小女孩在场外
东亚地区的赌盘上, 实际上是4个大国在玩, 台湾不是参与者. 而这次的游戏方式是东方式的麻将.
3 赌局的布局: 两个金发女子与两个黑发女子
中美是对家, 日俄是配角,4个人身份很明显.
4 衣服: 4个人身上的衣服代表实力, 美国上身齐全, 下身裸体,在台面上实力最强, 而台下一丝不挂, 中国在台面上一丝不挂,在台面下实力却最强, 日本整个一丝不挂, 没任何实力, 而俄罗斯只有一个遮羞布.
5 神态和动作: 中国背对, 看不出神态. 但是是最关专注于赌局的, 而背地里藏着2张牌,其中一张是俄罗斯串通得到的. 日本在自我陶醉, 整个赌桌上最白痴的一个, 关心赌局, 并自我感觉自信满满. 俄罗斯躺倒, 把腿搭在美国身上, 而且牌是相公, 代表俄罗斯因为无关输赢, 表面上是自己不想玩了, 但俄罗斯明里和美国有瓜葛, 暗里却给中国递牌. 美国的神态在看着台湾, 不太关注牌局, 而且双手放头后申懒腰, 表明美国已经比较疲惫, 美国考虑的是值不值得玩下去的问题, 而不是怎么玩的问题.
6 台湾: 台湾严重关注赌局, 果盘代表利益, 手拿小刀想保护自己的利益. 台湾的衣服是中国式的, 代表暗示台湾才是中华正统. 而大陆只是在身上有凤凰的文身, 下面却穿西方衣服, 代表大陆外在西化的趋势.
Update: 可以通过http://www.google.com/gwt/n 进入到Google Wap代理的首页,直接输入URL,下面还有一个No Image的选项。
Update2: 移动竟然没有一个地方可以查当前的GPRS的流量,营业厅到1860都不行,而且包月,新入户的第一个月是不计算的,惨了,这个月单交GPRS流量就要破产了。
Update: 2006/08/31
5/29/2006 12:31 am
Guesstimate 這個已收錄在韋氏字典的新字,顧名思義,結合了 guess 和 estimate。美國商業週刊上期封面故事報導,即使是在全球醫藥最進步的美國,醫生下的處方、採取的手術、療程中,竟然有極高的比例其實都是毫無幫助的(估計只有五分之一真正有效)– 有些療法倒果為因,治標不治本;有些「標準作業程序」,則是醫學院一代代就這麼一直教下來的,從未經過嚴格的科學檢驗,如今已開始受到種種證據的挑戰。
其實這個報導所顯示的,與我一向採取的立場不謀而合,所以我並未大感吃驚。之前從研讀另類醫學 (alternative medicine) 大師 Andrew Weil 的著作,和其他資訊來源,我便已經對醫生,尤其是西醫,的診斷,保持謹慎而不輕易相信的態度。如我在接受資策會 Intelligent Times (資訊與電腦) 雜誌的人物專訪中所說:
…其實我是到最近這幾年才開始積極運動的,可能是人到了一個年紀,就會開始比較注意身體,倒不是貪生怕死什麼的,只是覺得活就應該活得有格調,別把自己交在醫生手上。醫生和 IT 的支援工程師有點像,不同的是對象,但其實不管對象是人體或是電腦,端看是否真能對症下藥,準確與否,全看醫生所累積的功力和經驗,也看自己的運氣。更何況人體比電腦複雜上千萬倍。我希望自己能鍛煉的強一點,以後退休到鄉下、山上,就不用擔心。我現在的體能和健康狀態,感覺比年輕時更好。把醫生一腳踹開的感覺真好!
一如 Business Week 的建議,病人自己多做功課,廣泛收集相關資訊,而不對醫生馬首是瞻,言聽計從,會是比較健康的態度。
Google 到底有多少台 servers?一直是令外界好奇的問題。在 O’Reilly Web 2.0 會議中的一場演講,Rackable Systems 的 CEO Tom Barton 提出了他的估計。Rackable Systems ,一家專門建置 x86 (Intel/AMD) 、機架式伺服器的廠商,曾經替 Google 建過最早的一萬台 servers。由於 Google 後來便改由內部自行建置 data center 和 server 硬體,更增添一層神秘的面紗。Tom Barton 根據網路上所流傳的一些關於 Google 的資訊,加上自己豐富的伺服器建置經驗,做了以下的估計:
這也是為什麼,現在 CPU 的廠商,Intel, AMD, Sun,這兩年已開始注重和強調 Performance per Watt — 每瓦特電所能產生的運算力的概念,因為 data center 的耗電量實在太驚人了,而對 server 的需求量,在未來只會不斷增加,不會減少。不只是 Google, Yahoo 這類的 Internet 公司。另外像電信業,隨著傳統交換機逐漸被 IP 化、多媒體化的 server 軟體所取代,在在都需要大量的伺服器來提供服務。
記得去年 Apple CEO Steve Jobs 宣布將改用 Intel CPU 時,也曾大大強調 Performance per Watt 的概念,運算力比 PowerPC G4 強許多的 G5 的 CPU,由於耗電過大、過熱,讓他們始終無法推出以 G5 為核心的筆記型電腦。從以上 Google 的例子,顯然 Performance per Watt 對 data center 中的伺服器同等重要。
Update, 5/6/2006: 這篇文章中提到:據消息來源指出,Google 在全球部署的伺服器有一百萬台,而且已是美國某州的頭號用電大戶。
Published 4/1/2006 by SWC | E-mail this post |
I’ll post this list of the best freeware that will be constantly updated and have things add things to it. This first time around will just be the basics without too much in-depth detail. Please leave comments, I’ve worked on this for the last 2 hours, so anything will be appreciated. Please click title to read the full post, I’m having some troubles with the Full Post tags and all these views are slowing it down.
-—Digital Imaging—-
-—Computer Tools—-
1. Best Browser
Firefox hands down is my favorite browser, being safer than IE and highly customizable. Automatic updates, faster browsing, better pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, an integrated search bar, and live bookmarks are just some features of this browser. Another popular browser is Opera which includes many of the same features as Firefox.
2. Best BitTorrent Client
Azureus is a java bittorrent client offering multiple torrent downloads, queuing/priority systems (on torrents and files), start/stop seeding options and instant access to numerous pieces of information about your torrents. Azureus now features an embedded tracker easily set up and ready to use. uTorrent is a lightweight (Very) and efficient BitTorrent client that includes bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading and Mainline DHT.
3. Best Multi Platform File Transfer Utility
Shareaza is a great program that connect to 4 P2P networks, EDonkey2000, Gnutella, BitTorrent and Gnutella2 (G2).
4. IP Blacklist/Blocker
Was going to put this under Security, but it’s a MUST for anyone using P2P. PeerGaurdian integrates support for multiple lists, list editing, automatic updates, and blocking all of IPv4, TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc, making it the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy on P2P<. Lite version is made to consume as little CPU and RAM as possible. It has no UI or options and consists of a single tray icon.
PeerGuardian Lite
5. Best FTP Client
Two amazing FTP clients that each include a great deal of features are FileZilla and SmartFTP
6. Best Chat Program
Two that stand out are Gaim and Trillian, both are multi-platform. Gaim is compatible with AIM, ICQ, MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, SILC, GroupWise Messenger, and Zephyr networks. While Trillain is a skinnable chat client that supports AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, and IRC. Trillain also includes many features not included in those chat programs.
7. Best Phone/Talking Software
These programs allow you to call people for free and talk with them, all you need are headphones and a microphone. Skype adds encryption and has excellent sound quality, an addon, SAM, adds voicemail functionallity.
8. Best Download Manager
There are many, but the ones that work great are FlashGet, GetRight, and Free Download Manager. All split up files and increase the download by 100-600%, they can also resume broken downloads.
Free Download Manager
9. Best Gmail Filetransfer
There are a couple programs that use that Gmail space of yours to upload your files and make backups of them.
10. Best Email Client
Another from Mozilla, Thunderbird, is a full-featured email client, that includes a spam filter, anti-phishing protection, enchanced security, and auto updates.
11. Best Blogging Poster
w.bloggar is a great blogging tool that includes a template and post editor that works with many blogging sites, including Blogger. Unlike other blogging tools, this ione doesn’t require you to have your blog on an ftp site, but can log in and post.
12. Best Anti-Spyware
A few stand out, mainly Spybot, Ad-Aware, Windows Defender, and Spyware Blaster. The first three are scanners each with their own special tools including realtime scanning, encrypted file deletion, and history erasor. Spyware Gaurd is more of a realtime scanner (Like Anti-Virus) of spyware while you’re downloading. Spyware Blaster is different in not being a scanner, but prevents spyware from installing on your computer in the first place (Spybot includes a robust version of this). All four programs are recommended since each is not 100% efficient.
Ad-Aware SE Personal
Windows Defender
Spyware Blaster
13. Best Anti-Virus
A few come to mind, but my favorite is AVG from Grisoft, which includes updates, real time scanner, and an email scanner. Another good one is AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic which includes many of the same features. Do keep in mind that free anti virus clients are not up to par with paid ones according to testings.
AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
14. Best Firewall
My favorite by far is ZoneAlarm which is simple for begginers and contains a barrage of features for more advanced users. Another option is Sygate Personal Firewall includes all the same functions for the same price.
ZoneAlarm Free
Sygate Personal Firewall
15. Best Anti-Malware
Ewido really helps stop hijackers, spyware, worms, dialers, trojans, and keyloggers. It includes a great scanner and realtime scanner. Some features are disabled in the free version, including the realtime scanner, auto updates, self-protection, and memory scanning, but all these are included in the 15 day trial which can be reinstalled.
16. Best Diagnostic Tool
Ultimate Boot CD is an amazing bootable CD to restore a crashed computer and can fix it.
17. Best Disk Cleaner
I couldn’t believe my eyes after I ran CCleaner, it removed around 1.5 Gigs in unused application data and internet cach (Which I thought I removed through the disk cleaner). This truly amazing utility cleans out your computer safely and even scans and removes obselete registry data, speeding up your system. You might want to turn off cookie deletion if you save your passwords on forums and such.
18. Best File Deleter
Eraser is an advanced security tool (for Windows), which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns.
19. Best File Encrypter
Three stand out, GNU Privacy Gaurd, TrueCrypt, and Blowfish Advanced CS. GNU is a full replacement of PGP that is totally command line based, and not for beginnners. On the other hand, Blowfish Advanced CS offers multiple algorithms, efficient data compression, and safe key handling for content protection. TrueCrypt can create virtual encrypted disks, can encrypt an entire hard disk partition or a device, such as USB flash drive, and provides two levels of plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password.
Blowfish Advanced CS
GNU Privacy Gaurd
Guide to GNU Privacy Gaurd
—-Digital Imaging—-
20. Best Image Editor
A few stand out, mainly The GIMP and Paint.NET. GIMP is more like Photoshop and there is a seperate version that renames GIMP tools to the ones in Photoshop. Piant.NET replaces the simple MS Paint program and adds tons of features and includes many of the things Photoshop has. Inkscape is an Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, or Xara X using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format
21. Best Image Viewer/Editor
IrfanView supports many formats of images and includes some plugins that allow it to view many other formats such as videos, flash, and some audio formats. Picasa, on the other hand, differs in being able to edit photos and searches your computer for photos.
22. Best 3-D Modelling/Animation/Rendering
Foreget Maya, Blender is the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback.
23. Best Color Capturer
Color Schemer ColorPix is a useful little color picker that grabs the pixel under your mouse and transforms it into a number of different color formats. You can use the built-in magnifier to zoom in on your screen, click on a color value to copy it directly to the clipboard, and even keep ColorPix on top of all other apps and out of the way. Also, it doesn’t require installation and is a tiny program.
24. Best Virtual Drive
If you ever wanted to run that .iso or any other CD image without having the CD or DVD in the drive just use DAEMON Tools. Do not install the adware toolbar!
25. Best DVD Descrambler
Well the name says it all, DVD Decrypter allows you to copy DVDs to your hard drive and re-encode them to MPEG1 (VCD) or DivX. DVD Decrypter can also write most types of CD / DVD images via its ‘ISO Write’ mode.
26. Best DVD Compressor
ratDVD takes a full featured DVD-9 movie and puts it into a highly compressed .ratDVD container format file of about 1.x GB in size - while preserving all the features of the original DVD.
27. Best CD/DVD Burner
CDBurnerXP Pro and DeepBurner are two fully featured DVD and CD burners and can create .iso’s from them. Both are amazingly fast and meet all your needs.
28. Best Video Player/Codec Pack
Basically, the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack will play every video file on this planet.
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
K-Lite Codec Pack Full (Less features)
29. Best Audio Player
Winamp and foobar2000 comes out on top as the best audio players. ml_ipod is a plugin that uses Winamp to support your iPod. Winamp DSP Enhancer increases the quality and depth of your bass and treble, but not just making them louder but by filtering out any distortions and other bad stuff. foobar 2000 s an advanced audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include full unicode support, ReplayGain support and native support for several popular audio formats. Not to mention it’s tiny size.
DSP Enchancer
30. Best Audio Editor/Ripper
Audacity is a free and gull featured audio editor and recorder. As for grabbing audio from CDs , Exact Audio Copy is the solution, although it’s not for beginners.
31. Best Audio Converter
Often called the Swiss army knife of audio, dBpowerAMP is able to convert your audio files to convert between audio formats whilst preserving ID Tags.
32. Best XviD/DivX Converter
AutoGK is an amazing program that converts Xvid and DivX formats of video to many others, at the same time compressing them and it includes many other features.
—-Computer Tools—-
33. Best Hard Drive Analyser
JDiskReport is an amazing program that provides many different graphs and information on what’s stored on your computer.
34. Best Software Collection
TheOpenCD includes many freeware programs and open source programs that are essential to anyone.
35. Best HTML Editor
Based off the firefox source, NVU, made by Linspire is a great HTML editor that is amazing for its price, much unlike the expensive Dreamweaver and Frontpage.
36. Best Desktop Searcher
There are many, but my favorite is Google Desktop Search, with a plethora of features. Such as searching (Duh?), news, maps, notepad, gmail notifier, and many other features.
37. Best Compression Tool
Although there’s many, a few stand out, mainly 7-Zip and IZArc. 7-Zip supports: 7z, ZIP, CAB, RAR, ARJ, GZIP, BZIP2, Z, TAR, CPIO, RPM and DEB. IZArc supports many files including: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BIN, BZ2, BZA, C2D, CAB, CDI, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MDF, MBF, MIM, NRG, PAK, PDI, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO. Both also include many other features.
38. Best Benchmarking Tool
EVEREST Home Edition is a freeware hardware diagnostics and memory benchmarking solution for home PC users. It offers the world’s most accurate hardware information and diagnostics capabilities, including online features, memory benchmarks, hardware monitoring, and low-level hardware information. Sadly, this free version has been discontinued, since they want to make some money on their corporate version (Which is understandable).
39. Best Office Suite
The best one out there is OpenOffice.org. It includes many of the same features as MS Office and more.
40. Best Process Viewer
Process Explorer is a incredible program that shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
41. Best Coding Tool
For those computer programmers, PHP Designer 2005 and Notepad++ are great programs that include syntax highlighting and syntax folding. PHP Designer supports: PHP, HTML, XML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Perl, JavaScript, VB, C#, Java & SQL. Notepad++ supports C, C++, Java, C#, XML, HTML, PHP, Javascript, RC resource file, makefile, ASCII art file (extension .nfo), doxygen, ini file, batch file, ASP, VB/VBS source files, SQL, Objective-C, CSS, Pascal, Perl, Python, Lua, TCL, Assembler, Ruby, Lisp, Scheme, Properties, Diff, Smalltalk, Postscript and VHDL. And that’s the tip of the iceberg for both programs, they contain tons of features.
PHP Designer 2005
Other good ones (That also work with AutoIt scripting):
Crimson Editor
42. Best .pdf Reader
Foxit Reader is small (the download is less than 1MB), so it downloads quickly. It doesn’t need any installation, so you can start to run it as soon as you’ve downloaded it.
43. Best Linux
Ubuntu and Kubuntu are two of best and most well known linux distros out there and include a barrage of programs. Another good one is Damn Small Linux, which is 50mb and can run off your USB flash drive.
Damn Small Linux
44. Best Dockbar
ObjectDock is the main program for this and can be highly customized. Another, Y’z Dock, has similar functions but was discontinued as a result of Apple’s intervention.
44. Best Widget Engine
Yahoo! Widget Engine is your solution to Windows widgets, it’s highly customizable and there’s thousands of available widgets.
Anonymous on 4/02/2006 12:33 PM
Not bad… i do disagree on the best dvd “descrambler” though. DVD Shrink is by far the best for copying a copyrighted DVD onto another DVD. Or to compress video to fit on one DVD. You should try it out.
jambarama on 4/02/2006 6:05 PM
Good list. I’d add to AV - ClamWin. It is a terrific Windows port of the Open source ClamAV. It is lightweight, doesn’t consume (hardly any) system resources. Along with that, WinPooch is a great anti-malware program. It allows clamwin to do realtime scanning (if you want) and it really gives you more power over you system than anything else. HijackThis is also pretty good anti-malware.
For firewalls - sygate (gone now) and Kerio have been nicer for me. They’ve consumed less system resources than ZoneAlarm, though ZA is good stuff.
CinePaint (built on GIMP) is spectacular. It’s been used in movies such as Spiderman, Elf, Looney Toones, and Planet of the Apes. I’m sure there is a Windows port out there.
For audio - foobar2000 is the best. It encodes, rips, burns, plays any non-drm format, has a masstagger, supports tabbed play lists and everything else you’d ever want for less than 5mb. No plugins necessary. It is also the lightest player I’ve ever used.
If you are suggesting openoffice (good suggestion) I’d l ike to encourage you to look at bluefish for
html editing. It is almost as nice as NVU and a lot more stable.
Other honorable mentions - virtualdub, VLC, media player classic are some great video players/encoders.
Again good list, keep up the good work!
Bonk on 4/02/2006 7:26 PM
Getright and Flashget aren’t in my view free since they have ads.
Also the K-lite codec pack illegally distributes many of its codecs without permission,
AutoGK violates the mpeg4 patents, and DVD decrypter is probably a violation of the DMCA.
RatDVD makes files that are of VERY degraded quality compared to the original, but there are situations where it could be useful. Desktop and laptop hard drives are cheap though, and so are DVD blanks so usually you are better to keep the full quality. Just people should be aware that this isn’t like mp3 where a 190ish VBR file is almost impossible to tell from the original. Compressing a DVD even to a DVD-5 can sometimes suck the life out of it, and compressing it to <2GB does reduce the quality.
After a night of partying a group of people decided to continue drinking at their house. A girl who believed that she was pregnant (she had vomited in the morning) entered the toilet and discovered a white strip which she thought to be a pregnancy test. She peed on it and came out to show it to the others to figure out the result. It turned out that it was in fact an iPod nano left there by someone who had been listening to music while , not a pregnancy test. So what happened to the iPod? It stopped working. The owner tried to send it in for warranty repairs, only to be informed that “the warranty does not cover pee-related damage”.
I have to admit there is a similarity. Perhaps this could be a feature for the next iPod? This happened in Finland and was described to me on an IRC channel by a friend of the iPod owner. Apparently the girl was quite wasted. I don’t know if she turned out to be pregnant or not.
Update: she turned out not to be pregnant (apparently indicated by something other than the nano).